AD/HD Tweens And Teens
Connect Responsibility to Privileges
The Impact of Behavior
Know Your Teen's Companions
Chaperoning and Supervision
Age after Age
Standing Guard Over A Teen's Vulnerabilities
Getting Organized in High School
Social Rejection
Cinema Therapy
The Paradox of Parenting
ADHD ADD Medications
Avoid Using Generic Drugs for ADD/ADHD
Different Types of ADHD Medication
Important considerations about medication
Concerns about medicating for ADD ADHD
Side Effects of Prozac
Dexedrine Side Effects- ADHD medication
Zoloft Side effects
Paxil Side Effects
Luvox Side Effects
Catapres Side Effects
Wellbutrin Side Effects
Norpramine Side Effects
Ritalin Side Effects
Strattera Side Effects
ADHD , Nutrition & Allergies
ADHD Diet with cold water fish or DHA Supplment
Dairy could be a problem for the ADHD Child.
ADHD children should eat 3 meals a day
Food for Thought - Literally
Diet and ADHD
ADHD Diet & Fish oil or Cold water fish.
ADHD Diet & Fish oil or Cold water fish.
Food for Thought - Literally
Food for Thought - Literally
Food for Thought - Literally
Causes of Allergies in the Home & School.
Your Home, School & your ADHD child
Your Home, School & your ADHD child
Detecting Food & Enviromental Allergies
Can cleaning products cause ADHD symptoms?
ADHD & cleaning & personal care products.
Symptoms of food allergies
ADHD ADD Behavior Management
Driving safely with ADHD ADD
Driving safely with ADHD ADD
ADHD ADD Managing Money
Improving Decision Making ADHD ADD
Driving safely with ADHD ADD
ADHD ADD? Look for jobs with variety
How girls with ADHD are different
Praise to Raise the Self Esteem of an ADD ADHD Child.
Praise to Raise the Self Esteem of an ADD ADHD Child.
Creating Success. How to Nurture a Child's Self-Esteem
Creating Success. How to Nurture a Child's Self-Esteem
Creating Success. How to Nurture a Child's Self-Esteem
Creating Success. How to Nurture a Child's Self-Esteem
Discipline and Punishment: What is the Difference?
Discipline and Punishment: What is the Difference?
Discipline and Punishment: What is the Difference?
Discipline Tips for the ADD ADHD child.
Discipline and Punishment: What is the Difference?
Consistent is key for the ADD/ADHD child
ADHD children & the concept of time
Reasonable behavior for the ADHD child.
Children with ADHD ADD and discipline
ADHD ,Hyperativity under control
How to Handle your ADD ADHD Child.
Recognizing risk-taking behavior
Risk-taking behavior
Management Tools for AD/HD: Education, Structure, Support & Encouragement
Management Tools for AD/HD: Education, Structure, Support & Encouragement
Management Tools for AD/HD: Education, Structure, Support & Encouragement
Management Tools for AD/HD: Education, Structure, Support & Encouragement
AD/HD Coaches Help Clients Develop Strategies for Meeting Goals
AD/HD Coaches Help Clients Develop Strategies for Meeting Goals
AD/HD Coaches Help Clients Develop Strategies for Meeting Goals
What is an ADHD coach?
AD/HD Coaches Help Clients Develop Strategies for Meeting Goals
Why AD/HD kids act the way they do.
Why AD/HD kids act the way they do.
ADHD, Hyperactivity and reasonable control
ADHD Hyperactivity & the Brain
Why AD/HD kids act the way they do.
Why AD/HD kids act the way they do.
ADHD ADD in School & the Classroom
Homework Ideas that make sense
Homework Ideas that make sense
The Magic 20 Minute Rule for the ADHD ADD child
How to make an effective study area for the ADHD child.
Homework Ideas that make sense
Homework Ideas that make sense
Dealing with ADHD when writing papers & reports
Big Homework project? Help your ADHD child......
The teacher, your child and ADD ADHD
From School Daze to School Praise! The art of collaboration
From School Daze to School Praise! The art of collaboration
From School Daze to School Praise! The art of collaboration
ADHD child Parent-Teacher conferences
From School Daze to School Praise! The art of collaboration
What are learning styles for ADHD ADD?
ADHD ADD School Success Strategies
Notetaking strategies for the ADD ADHD student
ADHD children Learning to speak up
ADHD Student & Middle school challenge
ADHD challenges in High School
How to get ADD ADHD Classroom accommodations
Basic facts about IEP's
Organizing for school when you have ADHD ADD
Organizing at home a great ADHD help
Containing the mess ADHD children
What are reasonable ADD ADHD accommodations?
The Key to Helping ADHD Children
Where Should ADHD kids sit in the classroom?
Where your ADHD should not sit.
Work with your ADHD Students attention span.
Many ADHD children are visual learners.
Use Playdough, Silly Putty for your ADHD Student
Games for the entire class help ADHD students too
Ideas on dealing with ADHD in the classroom
Attention, please. Teacher as Leader
Attention, please. Teacher as Leader
Attention, please. Teacher as Leader
Attention, please. Teacher as Leader
ADHD ADD Natural Alternatives
How to be safe when using an ADHD, ADD Natural Alternative
ADHD ADD symptoms, Checklists & Evaluations
Types of ADHD ADD
Common ADD ADHD symptoms
Inattention checklist
Hyperactivity- Impulsiveness Check list
ADHD evaluation- What to expect
ADHD ADD Diagnosis , Pediatrician or Psychologist ?
Adult ADHD ADD Checklist
Other clues to ADD ADHD
Check into learning disabilities
Detecting the ADHD Student in Middle School
ADHD and Self esteem
Praise the Unique ADD/ADHD child
ADHD child & Self Esteem
Adult ADD ADHD Self Test
Parenting Children with ADD ADHD
Help for Adult ADD at work, Post it notes work
Managing time & chores when you have Adult ADHD ADD
Adult ADD, Work & Deadlines, Post it notes can help
Help for Adult ADD at work, Post it notes work
ADD ADHD? Make and Keep Friends
Help for Impulsivity ADHD ADD
Manage ADHD ADD Distractibility
Help for ADHD ADD Short tem memory problems
How To Stay Motivated While Living With ADD/ADHD
ADHD ADD Following a Healthy Lifestyle
Outgrowing ADHD ADD?
The myth - the truth on ADD/ADHD
Adults & Strategies for Successful Living
Adults & Strategies for Successful Living
The Psychological and Social Impact of ADHD in Adults
Quick Tricks Using Tools Of The Trade
Say What?
Clutter Removal 101
Thanks, Coach
Riding the Tiger
Manage Frustration In Style
Distracting Distraction
Be Specific About Confronting Clutter
Answer User Questions
Modifying Curriculum for Hyperactive Children
College and ADHD
Accomodating Students With ADHD
Is Attention Deficit Disorder really about "not being able to pay attention?"
ADHD Resources
Have sleeping problems? Try Beclam'd
Having problems sleeping? Becalm'd can help
College Students with ADHD ADD
ADHD ADD. The Right College?
Choosing an ADD friendly college
Considerations in choosing a college
Going away to college
Diagnosis of ADHD
Diagnosis of ADHD
Hyperactive/Impulsive Types
Evaluation and Rating Scales
ADHD Testing
Professionals Who Diagnose ADHD
ADHD In Adolescence
ADHD In Adults
What Causes ADHD?
ADHD - Diagnosis is NOT Destiny
Hidden Treasure
Famous People with ADHD ADD
Successful High Achievers with AD/HD - The Gift of Persistence Pays Off!
Successful High Achievers with AD/HD - The Gift of Persistence Pays Off!
Successful High Achievers with AD/HD - The Gift of Persistence Pays Off!
Mozart and ADHD
Famous Business people with ADHD
Famous ADHD Scientists & Inventors
Famous composer Mozart had ADHD ADD
Successful High Achievers with AD/HD - The Gift of Persistence Pays Off!
Famous Comedians and actresses with ADHD ADD
Famous Athlete, Author & world leader with ADHD ADD
Foundations that Support Positive Behavior
Managerial Styles
Collaborative Efforts Pay Off
Stay The Course
Managing High Energy
The Magic Jars
Chore Lottery
Simon Says
Good Enough
Focus on Strengths
Passionate About Confidence
Homework Strategies
Same Time, Same Place
Creating a Reference Book
Easy Does It
Break It Down
The Finish Line
Parent As Tutor
Noises Off!
Back To The Future Of Homework
Strong-Willed Children Who Refuse To Do Homework
Parent As Authority
Off to School & In the Classroom
Teacher's Pet
Reality is Our Friend
The Safety of Structure
Befriending The Teacher
Getting It Together – And Keeping It There
Supplies In The Cupboard
Rise and Shine With 15 To Spare
Dressed For Success
Standing Up On Purpose
Syllabi Collection
Organize the Environment
The Clean and I
Short and Sweet
The Daily Schedule
Inching Your Way To Success
Creative Genius
File Of Facts
The Giving Spree
Who You Gonna Call? Clutter Busters
Clock In!
Speak to Me - Electronically
Parenting AD/HD
Seeking Professional Services
Alliances for Support
A Fresh Start
A Unique Perspective
Stop Signs
Spiritual Practices
Rhymes With Bop
Symptoms And Impairment
A Nurturing Drive To The Library
Support Is Not Just For Hosiery
Techniques, Strategies, & Guidelines
How to Use Visual Cues and Sound Alerts to Stay on Track
Study and Assignment Tips for Students With ADD/ADHD
Accent The Positive
A Gentle Word
School Success Through Monitoring
There Are More Ways Than One
Accounting 101
Collaborative Learning
Insomnia Impacts Performance
Do You Want To Know A Secret?
Discernment, Not Judgment
Control The Environment, Not People
What's Right About ADHD
The Gift of the Talker & Doer
Ten Reasons to Celebrate Exceptional Children:
The Gift of a Bright Mind
The Gift of Humor
The Gift of the Dreamer
The Gift of Tenacity
The Gift of Ideas
The Gift of the Challenging Child
The Gift of the Sensitive Child
The Gift of Unconditional Love
ADD-ADHD Newsletter Archive
Clutter Removal 101
Say What?
Quick Tricks Using Tools Of The Trade
The Psychological And Social Impact Of ADHD In Adults
Adults & Strategies for Successful Living
Attention, please. Teacher as Leader
Creating Success. How to Nurture a Child's Self-Esteem
Food for Thought - Literally
Homework Ideas that make sense
Discipline and Punishment: What is the Difference?
Management Tools for AD/HD: Education, Structure, Support & Encouragement
Successful High Achievers with AD/HD - The Gift of Persistence Pays Off!
Why AD/HD kids act the way they do.
AD/HD Coaches Help Clients Develop Strategies for Meeting Goals
Attention, please. Teacher as Leader
Creating Success. How to Nurture a Child's Self-Esteem
Food for Thought - Literally
Homework Ideas that make sense
Discipline and Punishment: What is the Difference?
Management Tools for AD/HD: Education, Structure, Support & Encouragement
Successful High Achievers with AD/HD - The Gift of Persistence Pays Off!
Why AD/HD kids act the way they do.
AD/HD Coaches Help Clients Develop Strategies for Meeting Goals
Attention, please. Teacher as Leader
Creating Success. How to Nurture a Child's Self-Esteem
Food for Thought - Literally
Homework Ideas that make sense
Discipline and Punishment: What is the Difference?
Management Tools for AD/HD: Education, Structure, Support & Encouragement
Successful High Achievers with AD/HD - The Gift of Persistence Pays Off!
Why AD/HD kids act the way they do.
AD/HD Coaches Help Clients Develop Strategies for Meeting Goals
Accomodating Students With ADHD
College and ADHD
Modifying Curriculum for Hyperactive Children
Attention, please. Teacher as Leader
Creating Success. How to Nurture a Child's Self-Esteem
Food for Thought - Literally
Homework Ideas that make sense
Discipline and Punishment: What is the Difference?
Management Tools for AD/HD: Education, Structure, Support & Encouragement
Successful High Achievers with AD/HD - The Gift of Persistence Pays Off!
Why AD/HD kids act the way they do.
AD/HD Coaches Help Clients Develop Strategies for Meeting Goals
Is Attention Deficit Disorder really about "not being able to pay attention?"
ADHD Resources
Diet and ADHD
Considerations in choosing a college
Going away to college
Choosing an ADD friendly college
The myth - the truth on ADD/ADHD
Praise the Unique ADD/ADHD child
Consistent is key for the ADD/ADHD child
Strattera Side Effects
Your Home, School & your ADHD child
Your Home, School & your ADHD child
Recognizing risk-taking behavior
Common ADD ADHD symptoms
Hyperactivity- Impulsiveness Check list
Inattention checklist
Other clues to ADD ADHD
ADHD evaluation- What to expect
Check into learning disabilities
Reasonable behavior for the ADHD child.
ADHD child Parent-Teacher conferences
What are reasonable ADD ADHD accommodations?
Praise to Raise the Self Esteem of an ADD ADHD Child.
Parenting Children with ADD ADHD
ADHD Hyperactivity & the Brain
Notetaking strategies for the ADD ADHD student
The teacher, your child and ADD ADHD
Types of ADHD ADD
What is an ADHD coach?
How to get ADD ADHD Classroom accommodations
ADHD challenges in High School
Detecting the ADHD Student in Middle School
ADHD children Learning to speak up
ADHD Student & Middle school challenge
ADHD ,Hyperativity under control
Famous Comedians and actresses with ADHD ADD
Famous composer Mozart had ADHD ADD
Mozart and ADHD
Famous Business people with ADHD
Symptoms of food allergies
Discipline Tips for the ADD ADHD child.
How to Handle your ADD ADHD Child.
Adult ADD ADHD Self Test
ADHD Diet & Fish oil or Cold water fish.
ADHD Diet & Fish oil or Cold water fish.
ADHD Diet with cold water fish or DHA Supplment
Have sleeping problems? Try Beclamīd
Managing time & chores when you have Adult ADHD ADD
Famous ADHD Scientists & Inventors
How girls with ADHD are different
ADHD children & the concept of time
ADHD, Hyperactivity and reasonable control
How to make an effective study area for the ADHD child.
ADHD ADD Diagnosis , Pediatrician or Psychologist ?
Driving safely with ADHD ADD
Driving safely with ADHD ADD
Driving safely with ADHD ADD
ADHD ADD? Look for jobs with variety
Improving Decision Making ADHD ADD
ADHD ADD Following a Healthy Lifestyle
ADHD ADD Managing Money
ADD ADHD? Make and Keep Friends
ADHD ADD School Success Strategies
ADHD ADD. The right college?
What are learning styles for ADHD ADD?
Use Playdough, Silly Putty for your ADHD Student
Games for the entire class help ADHD students too
Ideas on dealing with ADHD in the classroom
Containing the mess ADHD children
Organizing at home a great ADHD help
Organizing for school when you have ADHD ADD
Basic facts about IEPīs
ADHD child & Self Esteem
Side Effects of Prozac
Zoloft Side effects
Wellbutrin Side Effects
Ritalin Side Effects
Detecting Food & Enviromental Allergies
Dealing with ADHD when writing papers & reports
The Magic 20 Minute Rule for the ADHD ADD child
Can cleaning products cause ADHD symptoms?
How to be safe when using an ADHD, ADD Natural Alternative
Having problems sleeping? Becalmīd can help
Important considerations about medication
Concerns about medicating for ADD ADHD
Catapres Side Effects
Dexedrine Side Effects- ADHD medication
Paxil Side Effects
Causes of Allergies in the Home & School.
Praise to Raise the Self Esteem of an ADD ADHD Child.
Adult ADHD ADD Checklist
ADD-ADHD Frequently Asked Questions
What are some other symptoms of ADD ADHD?
How do I choose a doctor to evaluate my child for ADD?
Who should diagnose or evaluate for adhd add?
Who should evaluate my child for ADHD ADD?
How can I help my child make better use of homework time?
How can I help my ADHD child make better use of homework time?
How can I help my ADD child be better organized at school?
How can I help my child with papers for school?
How can I help my ADD child manage large school projects?
How can I help my ADHD ADD child with papers for school?
How can I help my ADHD ADD child manage large school projects?
How can I help my ADD child choose a good college?
How can I help my child manage his time better?
How are girls with ADD different?
How are girls different from boys with ADHD?
What do I do if my child still struggles in school despite medication?
When will my child outgrow his ADD?
How can I create an effective study area for my ADD child?
How do I create a study area for my ADHD ADD child?
How to organize with ADHD ADD?
How can I organize my possessions effectively?
What is an IEP?
How do I help my child find a college that will help him succeed?
How can I help my ADD child behave in class?
What is acceptable behavior for my ADHD child?
What is a reasonable accommodation for my ADD child?
What is normal help for the ADHD child in the classroom?
Is my child´s risk-taking behavior a part of ADD?
What exactly is risk-taking behavior?
How can I help my ADD child be better organized at home?
How can I get the school to provide my child with accommodations?
How can I help my ADD child succeed away from home at college?
Is ADD/ADHD hereditary?
Should I find out if I have ADD?
How can I help my child control their hyperactive behavior?
How do I find out about learning styles?
What are learning styles for ADHD ADD students?
How can I help my ADHD child control thier hyperactivity?
How do I decide whether medication is right for my child?
What should I consider when choosing a medication for ADD?
How can I help my child adjust to middle school?
How can I discipline my adhd add child?
How do I have a positive conference with the teacher & my ADHD child?
What can I expect from an ADHD evaluation?
How can I help my ADHD childs self esteem?
How can I discipline my child better?
What are the side effects of ritalin?
What are the side effects of ritalin?
What are the side effects of strattera?
What are the causes of allergies?
How can I get my ADHD child to follow instructions?
What is ADD ADHD?
How can I tell if my child has food allergies?
How can I be sure this natural alternative is safe?
How can I tell if my child has ADD ADHD?
How can I rate impulsiveness & hyperactivity?
How can I tell if I have adult adhd add?
Why is consistency important for ADHD ADD children?
Where should an ADHD ADD kid sit in the classroom?
How can I help ADHD ADD students be more productive in class?
How do most ADHD ADD children learn?
How do I help my ADHD student behave in class?
How can games help my ADHD children in class?
How can I deal with my ADHD student better ?
How can I help my ADHD ADD teenager driver better?
What job is best for a ADHD ADD teenager?
How can I help my ADHD ADD teenager make better decisions?
How to improve your ADHD ADD life?
How can I help my teenager mange moner better?
How can I make and keep my friends?
What can make school easier for my ADHD ADD student?
The right college for ADHD ADD students?
How can I control my impulsivity when I have ADHD?
How can I mange Distractibilty when I have ADHD ADD?
How can I help Short Term Memory ADHD ADD problems?
How to increase motivation and decrease procrastination ADHD ADD?
How can I get a better nights rest?
How can I raise my ADD ADHD childs self esteem?
Why are ADHD children hyperactive?
How can my child take notes better in class?
Do I need to listen to my child´s teacher about ADHD?
What is an ADHD Coach?
How can I help my ADHD teenager adjust to high school better?
How can I be sure my middle school child has ADHD?
How can I help my ADHD child speak up?
How can I help my ADHD child do better in middle school?
Famous people with ADHD ADD?
Famous people with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder?
Famous people with ADHD?
Who are the famous ADHD business people?
Who are som Famous people with ADHD?
How can I tell if I have adult ADD ADHD?
What is DHA?
Do dairy foods cause ADHD problems?
Do we Outgrow ADHD ADD?
What is the one thing that ADHD ADD children need for discipline?
How can I get everything done when I have ADHD ADD
How can I manage adult ADD at work?
Can I still go to college if I have ADD or ADHD?
How to Teach Children with ADHD
What are the side effects of Dexedrine?
What are the side effects of prozac?
What are the side effects of Zoloft?
What are the side effects of Paxil?
What are the Side Effects of Luvox?
What are the side effects of Catapres?
What are the side effects of Wellbutrin?
What are the side effects of norpramine?
How to detect food or enviromental allergies?
Early as it may seem but my 3 1/2 yr son has been diagonised as ADHD. I have observed that his hyperactivity increases with sweets. He also becomes cranky. In general he does not have sweets, but can he be given jaggery instead of sugar in the sweets? Is it advisable to put him on Milk-free diet?
How can coaches help AD/HD individuals meet success in achieving personal goals?
What causes AD/HD children to act the way they do?
What's Possible for Individuals with AD/HD?
How do you create a habitat for happiness? ( Education, Structure, Support & Encouragement)
What is to be learned from different discipline styles?
How do I make homework time more productive and less stressful for my child and myself?
What are the best foods my child should eat, especially before school?
How can a parent nurture their child's self-esteem when she is excluded from social events?
What is the best way to work with my child's teacher?
How can I encourage my distractible students to focus on lessons?
Are Generic Equivalents just as Effective for ADHD?
What kinds of ADHD medication are there?
How can I use cues to help me stay on track?
What are Some Helpful Study Tips for Students With ADHD?

Not finding the advice and tips you need on this ADD-ADHD Tip Site? Request a Tip Now!

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Carma Spence-Pothitt