Famous People with ADHD ADD Tips

Read these 10 Famous People with ADHD ADD Tips tips to make your life smarter, better, faster and wiser. Each tip is approved by our Editors and created by expert writers so great we call them Gurus. LifeTips is the place to go when you need to know about ADD-ADHD tips and hundreds of other topics.

Famous People with ADHD ADD Tips has been rated 3.8 out of 5 based on 1296 ratings and 27 user reviews.
What's Possible for Individuals with AD/HD?

Successful High Achievers with AD/HD - The Gift of Persistence Pays Off!

Gifted individuals come from various backgrounds: science, community activists, politics, law, medicine, entertainment, the arts, and sports. To name but a famous few: Ansel Adams, Anne Bancroft, Beethoven, Alexander Graham Bell, "Pappy" Boyington, Hans Christian Anderson, Lewis Carroll, Leonardo da Vinci, Walt Disney, Cher, Thomas Edison, "Magic" Johnson, John F. Kennedy, Robin Williams, Henry Winkler, and Stevie Wonder. Try using any of these role models to explain to your child how they are in the company of greatness, and share the same kind of "race car brain." It helps to have role models. As John J. Ratey, M.D., Edward Hallowell, M.D. so aptly point out, "'attention deficit disorder'" is a highly misleading description of an intriguing kind of mind." The list above would certainly indicate so.

What's Possible for Individuals with AD/HD?

Successful High Achievers with AD/HD - The Gift of Persistence Pays Off!

Gifted individuals come from various backgrounds: science, community activists, politics, law, medicine, entertainment, the arts, and sports. To name but a famous few: Ansel Adams, Anne Bancroft, Beethoven, Alexander Graham Bell, "Pappy" Boyington, Hans Christian Anderson, Lewis Carroll, Leonardo da Vinci, Walt Disney, Cher, Thomas Edison, "Magic" Johnson, John F. Kennedy, Robin Williams, Henry Winkler, and Stevie Wonder. Try using any of these role models to explain to your child how they are in the company of greatness, and share the same kind of "race car brain." It helps to have role models. As John J. Ratey, M.D., Edward Hallowell, M.D. so aptly point out, "'attention deficit disorder'" is a highly misleading description of an intriguing kind of mind." The list above would certainly indicate so.

Famous people with ADHD ADD?

Famous Comedians and actresses with ADHD ADD

Here are a few famous successful people that have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Jim Carey, Whoopie Goldberg, Mariette Hartley & Robin Williams. All of these people are creative, innovative & successful. They all have the trademark signs of ADHD. It also comes without the hyperactivity as well.

Famous people with ADHD ADD?

Mozart and ADHD

A review of Mozart's life shows that he displayed many of the hallmarks of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). He was a whirlwind of energy, agitated, impatient, impulsive, easily distracted, creative, innovative, provocative, irreverent and a maverick. He has composed some the world's most complex beautiful music.

Famous people with ADHD?

Famous ADHD Scientists & Inventors

Here are a few people who changed the world and they had ADHD. Thomas Edison, Albert Einstien, Alexander Graham Bell and Benjamin Franklin. Just think what the world would be like today without thier discoveries? I for one am a proud happy mother of an ADHD, Dyslexic, Dysgraphic child. Sure there are challenges but its all worth it.

What's Possible for Individuals with AD/HD?

Successful High Achievers with AD/HD - The Gift of Persistence Pays Off!

Gifted individuals come from various backgrounds: science, community activists, politics, law, medicine, entertainment, the arts, and sports. To name but a famous few: Ansel Adams, Anne Bancroft, Beethoven, Alexander Graham Bell, "Pappy" Boyington, Hans Christian Anderson, Lewis Carroll, Leonardo da Vinci, Walt Disney, Cher, Thomas Edison, "Magic" Johnson, John F. Kennedy, Robin Williams, Henry Winkler, and Stevie Wonder. Try using any of these role models to explain to your child how they are in the company of greatness, and share the same kind of "race car brain." It helps to have role models. As John J. Ratey, M.D., Edward Hallowell, M.D. so aptly point out, "'attention deficit disorder'" is a highly misleading description of an intriguing kind of mind." The list above would certainly indicate so.

Famous people with ADHD ADD?

Famous composer Mozart had ADHD ADD

A review of Mozart's life for instance, shows that he displayed many of the hallmarks of ADHD. He was a whirwind of energy, agitated, impatient, impulsive, easily distracted, creative, innovative, provocative, irreverent,and a maverick. He had all the classic signs of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. He also has given the world the most complex beautiful music ever written.

What's Possible for Individuals with AD/HD?

Successful High Achievers with AD/HD - The Gift of Persistence Pays Off!

Gifted individuals come from various backgrounds: science, community activists, politics, law, medicine, entertainment, the arts, and sports. To name but a famous few: Ansel Adams, Anne Bancroft, Beethoven, Alexander Graham Bell, "Pappy" Boyington, Hans Christian Anderson, Lewis Carroll, Leonardo da Vinci, Walt Disney, Cher, Thomas Edison, "Magic" Johnson, John F. Kennedy, Robin Williams, Henry Winkler, and Stevie Wonder. Try using any of these role models to explain to your child how they are in the company of greatness, and share the same kind of "race car brain." It helps to have role models. As John J. Ratey, M.D., Edward Hallowell, M.D. so aptly point out, "'attention deficit disorder'" is a highly misleading description of an intriguing kind of mind." The list above would certainly indicate so.

Who are the famous ADHD business people?

Famous Business people with ADHD

Henry ford had ADHD. Henry Ford invented mass production and started the Ford Motor Company.
Richard Branson, founder of the hudge Virgin business empire. As a child in the United Kingdom in the 1940s it is unlikely that his childhood behavior would have formally been diagnosed as ADHD but he is almost a textbook case of a youngster with learning challenges. In his offical biography he was a slow learner and at the age of 8 could barely read. "High-spirited" "headstrong" and "a handful" are words used to describe young Branson. His daredevil, rule breaking behavior as a youth served him well as an adult businessman. Even today is office is described as "cluttered" and his desk "virtually invisible under a sea of papers". His hyperactivty seems to know no bounds.
As unlikly as it could have been for young Branson to be diagnosed with ADHD in 1940s Britain, it would have been out of the question for him to be prescribed stimulant medication like ritalin or adderall.

Famous people with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder?

Famous Athlete, Author & world leader with ADHD ADD

Magic Johnson is a world class athlete with attention deficit disorder. Agatha Christie a famous author is said to have ADHD as well. Winston Churchill, English Prime Minister and World Leader is in this company as well.

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Jennifer Mathes, Ph.D.