April 14, 2006, Newsletter Issue #17: Can cleaning products cause ADHD symptoms?

Tip of the Week

When considering allergies as a possible cause for ADHD ADD do not forget your household cleaning & personal care products. Our regular laundry detergent, dish soap, floor & carpet cleaners, bath soap, hand soap, dyer sheets, fabric softeners, furniture polish, air fresheners, shampoos, toothpastes, mouthwash & many others all contain toxins that we are all sensitive to. Some children are extremely sensitive to them. They cause them to display ADHD behaviors. When these toxins are eliminated from thier daily regimen thier behavior improves greatly.
Allergies to these products are rarely considered when looking at the possible causes for ADHD but, are a very real possiblity.
If you would like more information on natural cleaning products that work even better than the general store brands please contact me.

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